
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Coming Soon: Closer To Fine and the downfall of my sanity

Ok, despite the fact that I have been CLEARLY watching too much Dawson's Creek since getting home from camp (I know, I know!  Dawson's Creek, you ask?  It's totally out of left field... but my roommates kind of got me into it)  I have gotten some work done.  I have:  started unpacking, realized some of my boxes ended up a bit moldy in the basement and subsequently reduced my crazy-big fabric stash, bought some fabric and made some curtains (what?!  I had to throw out a whole box of moldy fabric!  I deserved more!), read some stuff, messed up my never-ending knitting, gone through a number of (cough* Dawson's Creek instigated) identity crisis revolving around the applying to grad school vs. running away to Alaska debate, and spent much too much time worrying about my cat's poop.  (Having multiple cats is hard, ok?!)

AND!  I managed to get myself into 3 art shows all coming up in the next 4 weeks!  
1.  Closer to Fine (August 29-31 @ the Padlock Gallery- see below!)
2.  Estelle's Recycled Art Show (September @ Cafe Estelle's)
3.  Paper Jam (September 19 @ My House Gallery)

I'll be filling in the details about each show as I get around to, uhm, making the work for it, but today is very exciting because we've finally gotten all of the submissions sorted and I've finally finished getting all the advertising stuff done for the Closer to Fine show!  So, today, I'm officially sending out my first press release!  Here it is:

Closer to Fine 
Organized by Melanie Frazza and Nora Renick Rinehart

Queer and Feminist histories are crucial because they provide a context for our lives as feminists and/or queers in society today.  Discussing histories help highlight the struggles that people have fought and dies for over the years, and how these struggles continue today.  Also queer and feminist histories are connected, they are also divergent and recognizing their differences is vital.  However, they are linked because their resistance to patriarchal oppression is based on one's sex, gender and/or sexuality.

Closer to Fine features 15 artists including Michael Bukowsky, Kristy Road and Brad Strong, with works inspired by the histories of Feminist and LGBTQ subcultures, individuals, indentities, political ideologies and movements, communities, and issues that these communities have faced.

Closer to Fine
August 29th-31, 2008
Opening Event!  Friday August 29th 7-11pm
@ the Padlock Gallery
1409 Ellsworth St, Phila

Just letting you all know that anyone in the tri-state area and beyond is going to be required to attend the opening.  So... y'know... clear your calendars now in preparation, 'cause it's gonna rule.  And don't worry:  I won't let you forget about it in the next few weeks!

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