
Saturday, December 13, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENTS! Buy from me and look at my pretty things

Sorry for the super-long blog hiatus!  Things have been CRAZY in Nora-land.  The upcoming Christmas deadline is giving me finals flashbacks; I was up until 4:15 this morning working on presents!  I feel like I have been making things constantly for the last few weeks!  If I'm not physically knitting, sewing, or making shrinky-dinks I feel like I'm wasting time and the world might end at any second.  AND!  The internet seems to be boycotting me.  Our home internet suddenly decided not to function a week-and-a-half ago and the connection at work is SOOO SLOW it feels like dial up (and then I feel like throttling the computer).  We should be connected at home again on Tuesday and I will be throwing an all-night internet party with myself and my frantic knitting.  I'm thinking a Daily Show/Colbert Report/Rachel Maddow marathon with a little AfterEllen lesbian blog reading in there to break up the hilarity.

But more importantly, I have ANNOUNCEMENTS!!  Christmas and Me- related Shopping! and Awesome! announcements!!

1.  My artist website is up and running!  The super-super talented Melissa McFeeters, a local Philly designer, has been working diligently over the last 8 months and, drumroll please, DONE!!  (Except for the bio, which is definitely MY fault...  I seem to be unable to make my life both concise and interesting.  Anyone want to write it for me?)  GO NOW!  AND LOOK AT IT!

2.  My Etsy Shop is also up and running!!  I finally got off my ass and put a some hand-made goodies on Etsy and although they're getting a lot of looks, nothing has sold yet.  So go buy stuff!  If you buy things before NEXT SATURDAY, I will try my darndest to get them to you by Christmas!  There isn't much up there yet (mostly because I'm hoarding what I'm making to sell at the Punk Rock Flea Market, see below.)  But whatever doesn't sell there will get posted online!)  I will be selling:  recycled canvas tote-bags and wallets, cotton print wallets, small/flat 2 pocket belt bags, larger belt bags, and anything else I whip up during all that free time I have.  Check it out!!

3.  PUNK ROCK FLEA MARKET- NEXT WEEKEND!!  Amazing artist and friend Ketch Wehr and I are sharing a table at the Annual Punk Rock Flea Market:  

R5 Productions Presents:  The Punk Rock Flea Market, Holiday Edition!
Saturday December 20th 10:00am to 5pm
At the Starlight Ballroom / Club Polaris (460 N. 9th Street - Just Below 9th and Spring Garden)
All Ages To Enter / 21+ To Drink / Food & Drink Served All Day
$3 Admission Donation

Ketch will be selling one-0f-a-kind and pre-framed artworks, and I will be selling hand-made wallets and bags!

(You know you want one.  And another one for your friend.)

We'll also be selling hand-drawn plastic shrinky-dink charms!  50cents a pop!  Flora, fauna, vegetables, lightning bolts, Sandman, Batman, Calvin and Hobbes, the Little Prince and many more images!  You can make buttons, jewelry... they're great little objects.  AND!  Melanie and Sarah will be selling used house-hold items and vintage clothing at a nearby table, so, clearly, you have no excuse for not being there.

So come on out and see us!  And give us some of your money!

Yay for getting things done before the end of the year!  I'm very excited to have all these things finally accomplished.  But now... It's been almost an hour since I knit something and the world is feeling a little apocalyptic so I better get home and get back to work.  See you on the internet!

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Nora, the website looks great! And the Etsy shop! You should have your web guru make the shop link go directly to YOUR etsy shop though, instead of Etsy at large. Love love love!
