
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Handmade Holiday!

I made a ton of stuff for holiday presents this year.  And, because of the depression, for once it didn't look cheap!  It looked thoughtful and resourceful!  Which is how I'VE thought about it for years, but... y'know.  Anyway,  here's what I made!

Stocking for my roommate, Raph!  She said she wanted something "christmassy, but purple.  And with reindeer."  Eh?  I did the best I could.

Bird ornaments!  I made 4 of these little friends:  one for each of my sibling's families, one for my parents and one for my friend Q!  Each one had the year embroidered on the side.  I got the pattern off of Spool's blog (  Downfall?  My dad says that now he expects a new ornament every year.  Gah! 

Turtles for the Babies!  I have 2 nephews under 3 years old, so I usually make them matching gifts.  Last year I made the mistake of making them hats.  Even though the hats were these SUPER ADORABLE valkyrie helmets (complete with bobble-spikes and horns) it turns out that babies just don't like wearing hats.  So, this year:  stuffed animals.  You have no excuse now, babies.  Love those turtles.  Love 'em.  Aren't they cute?  Their shells are like sweaters and come off for easy cleaning!

It turns out that my eldest nephew (who turns 7 today!) is a crazy knitter, as you will read in an upcoming blog entry (if blogger will ever load my photos.)  Anyway, I made him a case for his needles!  The "E" is for Eric!

There are 2 levels of pockets, one at 2" wide and one at 4".  And there's a zip pocket for little knitting accessories!  I stuffed it full of goodies:  a pair of travel scissors, some needle stoppers, tapestry needles, and a pair of circular needles ("the only thing" he wanted for Christmas.  Besides a goldfish.  Clearly.)

And then there were the projects that I didn't actually finish by my Christmas morning deadline.  I (almost) knit my mother a pair of socks!  I finished one, and included the second, half done, needles and all, in the package.  I'll post pics when they're done.  I've also still got to finish cotton arm warmers for Melanie!  Again... photos to come with.. y'know.. the knitting of the arm-warmers.

Oh yeah.  And then I made all of this crap to sell:
Whew!  Anyway, that's why I've been a little MIA lately.  But I'm back!  Come and play with me now!  Hope everyone else had a great holiday season and a fantastic new year!


  1. Dude that stuff is REALLY cool. I always loved your homemade gifts. Those turtles are my favorite.

  2. spot? as in.. spot conlon? as in "never fear, brooklyn is here"? How're ya, spot?

  3. The one and only... I'm good, it's been way too long. How you doin?
